1. My homepages and blog - www. juhaknuuttila.fi
Hello. I am Juha Knuuttila. You are now in my homepage / blog. I am living in Finland in the City of Turku. I am working as a teacher. My mother language and working language is finnish. That is why my pages in domain adress juhaknuuttila.fi are written in finnish. In next chapters I tell you some facts about my work and myself.
If you want to contact me or if you need further information about me or my work, you can contact me via email or social media in english too. It is quit easy to translate my homepages to english or to other languages with google translator tool. You can find the translator tool on upper part of my homepage - text: G Valitse kieli.
But next. Some facts about me in english.
2. Who am I?
Hello. I am Juha Knuuttila. I am work as a senior lecturer in the Turku University of Applied Sciences. I am educating social counselors and early childhood education social workers. As a social scientist, I am interested in people, communities and social issues and influence work . As a social welfare professional, I monitor social policy, social welfare, social and health care decision-making and the activities of the welfare region of Varsinais-Suomen from the perspective of social welfare. I also work as private product developer and trainer in area of online pedagogy and digital social welfare services.
3. My education in social work
My background education is a master's degree in social work from the University of Turku. The teacher's pedagogic studies were completed at the Helsinki College of Nursing. The product developer's specialized vocational degree was completed at Verutum. I have also completed bachelor’s degree studies in social and healthcare information management at the University of Eastern Finland.
4. My experience in social work
At the beginning of my working career, I have worked as a child supervisor and a child protection social worker in Pori and Turku. I have worked as a social director of a small municipality - in Vahto (Vahto is nowadays part of Rusko). During the last couple of decades, I have worked as a volunteer: in disputes related to child custody and visitation rights as mediator, criminal mediator (City of Turku), in the administration of child protection organizations (Mm. as chairman of Kota ry) and in the children's chat service as a duty officer (Sos-Lapsikylä).
5. My experience in teaching
In my teaching work at Turku University of Applied Sciences, I have worked in different roles since the beginning of the 1990s: full-time teacher, department head, program manager and education manager. Since 2003, I have held the position of a lecturer.
My job as a lecturer mainly includes teaching and guidance. The main teaching areas in 2022 are public administration, organization and production of social care services, leadership and entrepreneurship. Part of my working time is also spent on research, development and innovation issues. For the past 20 years, I have been particularly interested in the product development work of learning environments and the design of learning environments .
I have also worked as an AKAVA JS trustee for teachers in Kaarina municipality.
6. Some other facts
I am a husband and the father of two adult children from Turku. In my spare time, you can find me gardening, jogging, palying padel or ”sähly”, hearing audio books, doing chores around the home and farm, social influence work and genealogy. And whenever possible, I also playing with my grandchildren.